Our Doctors

Dr Elizabeth Cropley
About Dr Elizabeth Cropley
Primary qualifications: MB BS (St Bartholomew’s ) DRCOG MRCGP DCH
Elizabeth went to medical school at St. Bartholomew’s hospital, London and later did her General Practice training in Plymouth. She has diplomas in paediatrics, obstetrics, gynaecology, diabetes and family planning.

Dr Karl Graham
About Dr Karl Graham
Primary qualifications: BM (Southampton) DRCOG MRCGP
Karl is our lead partner for information technology in the practice. He has a special interest in minor surgery. He is also the Locality Lead for Eastleigh Southern Parishes, and the IT lead for the Clinical Commissioning Group.

Dr Sam Heal
Partner and GP Trainer
About Dr Sam Heal
Primary qualifications: MBBS (Royal Free), MRCGP, DRCOG
Dr Heal is involved in teaching Southampton medical students. He does regular rounds at the local nursing home. He has a special interest in dermatology.

Dr Hannah Yates
Partner and GP Trainer
About Dr Hannah Yates
Primary qualifications: BM MRCGP (Southampton) DFSRH
Hannah completed her GP training here at Hedge End, subsequently became a salaried GP at the practice and has now been a GP Partner since 2015. She has completed the Diploma in Sexual and Reproductive Health which is a special interest alongside women’s health. Hannah is also a committee member on the Wessex Local Medical Committee for Hampshire which helps to shape General Practice, support local practices and discuss GP views on current issues.

Dr Sophie McKenzie
Partner and GP

Dr Sushmi Heal
Salaried GP

Dr Jess Law (Maternity Leave)
Salaried GP

Dr Fiona Sharvill
Salaried GP

Dr Catherine Tasker
Salaried GP

Dr Clare Brodey
Salaried GP

Dr Olivia Merriman
Salaried GP

Dr Sophie Wech
Salaried GP

Dr Karel Zezula
GP Registrar

Dr Grace Egboka
GP Registrar
Our Nursing Team
Sister Sarah Carrington (f)
Nurse Practitioner
Sister Carrie-Ann Hicks (f)
Nurse Practitioner
Sister Annie Johnson (f)
Nurse Practitioner
Sarah, Carrie-Ann and Annie are Advanced Nurse Practitioners who work as part of the on-day team. They are prescribers and are also able to refer, including for x-ray and ultrasound scans.
All our nurses perform treatment room duties.
Nurse Team Manager
Sister Melanie Roe (f)
Mel specialises in child immunisations. She also sees patients with diabetes & asthma.
Sister Alison Middleton (f)
l health.
Sister Tracey Brewer (f)
Tracey specialises in diabetes and travel health.
Amber Palmer (f)
Sam Kirkham (f)
Rajitha Raveendran (f)
Sonia Emmer-Robson (f)
Takes blood and does phlebotomy
Vanessa Smith (f)
Vanessa can do NHS Health Checks, ECGs, and certain injections.
Healthcare Assistant
Laura Reyland (f)
Laura can do NHS Health Checks, ECGs, and certain injections.
Healthcare Assistant
Our blood taking service is for adult patients. Children will need to attend the butterfly clinic at University Hospital Southampton.
Our Practice Team

Jennie Dock
Jennie works full time and has responsibility for the strategic direction of the practice.
Practice Manager

Leah Grandison
Practice Manager
Prescription Technician Team
Our Prescription Technician team (Andrea,Claire and Rachel) work alongside our Clinical Pharmacists and GPs to manage safe prescribing. They can help patients with Batch prescribing, lining up medications, and changing medications on the advice of Secondary Care.
Scanning and Data Input Team
Our Data Input Clerks scan in all clinical correspondence into the patient’s computer record. The hospital details are then added to the computer to provide the doctors and nurses with up to date details of any hospital treatment, drugs or follow up appointments.
IT Team
Our IT team (Muhammad Nasir) support Practice staff with IT, and facilitate access to online services and online medical records for patients.
The secretaries manage the referral process. They also facilitate copies of notes, private medicals and insurance reports.
Scanning and data input team
Lydia Case
Ensures the smooth running of Reception and admin.
Reception and Admin Manager
Samantha Palmer
Ensures the smooth running of Reception and admin.
Reception and Admin Manager
Vicki Eyles
Assisting RAM to ensure the smooth running of Reception and admin.
Deputy Reception and Admin Manager
Our teams are here to help you and will greet you in a friendly, welcoming manner.
Our Attached Team
Health Visitors
The Health Visiting team is a skill mix of Health Visitors, Community Staff Nurse and Community Nursery nurse and a healthcare support worker. We deliver our service through the Healthy Child Programme in partnership with parents, carers and families. Our aim is to help children under 5 avoid illness and stay healthy.
Health Visitors are registered nurses with specialist qualifications in child and family health and wellbeing.
A Community Staff Nurse is a registered nurse with additional experience in maternal and child health and development.
A Community Nursery Nurse is qualified in childcare and development with training in prevention of sleep and behaviour problems and promotion of healthy eating.
The health visiting team also works in partnership with the Windmill Children’s Centre, Long Lane Bursledon. We work closely with GPs, hospitals, midwives, school nurses, speech and language therapists, Children’s Services, pre-schools and schools in promoting health and wellbeing of young children. Contact with the health visitor begins in pregnancy and ends when a child enters primary school.
Contact us:
Southern Parishes Duty Health Visitor Telephone Line – Mon – Fri 9.00 am – 5.00 pm : 023 8047 5177
Attached Staff
Community Care Team (CCT)
The service is for adults with a range of health issues, from illness or injury to longer term conditions. They help patients who have been discharged from hospital, need longer term rehabilitation, or are housebound.
The team are made up nurses, therapists, practitioners, assistants and support workers who work together to provide care and treatment in your home and local community. The teams are led by a community matron.
They carry out a holistic assessment of your rehabilitation and care needs and then develop an individual treatment plan. We will regularly review this plan for your individual needs which is regularly reviewed.
They provide several different services, in a variety of settings including: Community nursing, Intensive short term support (crisis intervention), Occupational therapy, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation, Specialist nursing, Virtual wards.
Some of the things they typically help with include: Supporting you to return home after a hospital admission, Helping you live as well as possible if you have a long term illness, Helping you with your walking or balance, Providing you with equipment that makes your daily activities easier, Provide care and treatments for pressure wounds, Support you in using a catheter, To reduce the risk of you falling at home.
The admin office for the CCT can be contacted at 023 8231 0600.
For more information click here
School Nurses
The School Nursing Service works in partnership with children, young people and their families to ensure that children’s health needs are supported within their school and community.
How can we help?
School Nurses also work closely with Education, Social Care and other health professionals, to help children and young people to remain healthy and to ensure that key areas of a child’s development and welfare are met.
School Nurses provide:
- Important health information to children during their transition periods (Reception and year 6/7)
- Immunisations within school as directed by Public Health England
- Safeguarding for Children and Young People
And now provide a free texting service for 11 – 19 year olds who wish to talk to a school nurse.
The ChatHealth number is: 07507 332160
For additional information click here
Southern Parishes Duty School Nurse Telephone Line – Mon – Fri 9.00 am – 3.00 pm: 023 8045 3593
The midwifery team for the local area is based at Hedge End Medical Centre. They run clinics for patient of the Eastleigh Southern Parishes area.
The website for Southampton Hospital Maternity Services is here
Care Navigators
The role of the care navigator is to ‘signpost’ patients and their carers to access the support and services they may need to enable them to remain safe and independent at home. The service is particularly focussed on vulnerable older people who may have long-term health conditions. It is hoped that the support provided will also help to prevent unnecessary admissions to hospital. They are working across all practices in the area.
There are various things they can help with and these include:
- Offering basic information and advice about various benefits and allowances and helping patients to access more in-depth help.
- Helping patients to decide whether they would benefit from aids and adaptations in the home and if so, making the referral to adult services.
- Helping patients to access support groups’ services such as befriending, dog walking, gardening, day centres and community social activities.
- Visiting patients at home following a discharge from hospital to help with any issues.
- Finding out whether patients are having any problems taking medications properly.
Once needs have been discussed and agreed, they will develop a ‘care plan’ of support and this will be copied to the GP and other professionals involved in care.
The office number for the Care Navigators is 023 8202 0363.
For more information click here