What is the Care and Health Information Exchange?
The Care and Health Information Exchange (CHIE) is an electronic record containing key information about your medical history from hospital, general practice, community care and social services in Hampshire. It is a safe way of sharing information about patients to those treating them. This lets them provide faster and more accurate care. The HHR is a much more detailed version of the SCR.
What information is available in the Care and Health Information Exchange?
Your CHIE record contains information about the medication you are currently taking, your allergies, test results, and other critical medical and care information, such as diseases you have and operations you have had. Health and care staff can access your information if they have your permission to do so.
Who uses the Care and Health Information Exchange?
The Hampshire Health Record benefits nearly all clinicians within the local (Hampshire) NHS and is used by a variety of people, from hospital doctors and pharmacists, to community nurses, podiatrists, occupational therapists and physiotherapists, as well as your GP.
Having access to your record allows clinicians to have a much wider view of information than they might otherwise have to hand, which in turn is beneficial to providing your regular health care. In situations where a clinician may not have any history of your previous treatments, for example in Accident & Emergency, access to information about allergies, diagnosis and medication can provide vital details that will help them give you the best care and advice possible.
What can I do if I don’t want my record shared?
If you don’t want to have your information shared, you can opt-out. To opt out or to request a copy of your record, fill out the appropriate form found here and bring it to the surgery.
To find out more about the Care and Health Information Exchange Record, visit the Care and Health Information Exchange website.