Online Services

Online Services

Connect to your GP services online and save time. Quick, easy and secure.

How to Register for Online Services

The NHS App offers as standard access to Covid pass, medication records and allergies, and from 18th October 2023 for patients over 16, new entries to the medical consultation records.

You can self-register for this system here if you are 13 or over and have valid photo ID.

If you are not able to use the NHS App, you can choose one of the other online methods:

To register for any of these services, please download the registration form below, complete it and bring it to the practice with two different forms of ID. One will need to be valid photographic ID like a passport or driving license, and one a recent address such as a bank statement or utility bill. we will then take your forms and verify your identity.

Access to repeat prescriptions and appointments can be set up within 5 working days. Access to online records may take up to 28 working days (as the GP needs to check the records prior to their release).

Parents / guardians of children under 11 can apply for “Proxy” access, where their child’s record is linked to their profile, as children under 11 are assumed not to be competent unless there is an indication that they are.

In order to allow anyone access to their records, a capacity judgement needs to be made. Children under 11 are presumed to lack capacity. Young people and adults aged 16 and above are presumed to have capacity. Both positions can be challenged in individual circumstances, for example, an adult with severe learning difficulties or advanced dementia is unlikely to have capacity.

It is more complicated for children / young people between the ages of 11 and 15 as a judgement of their capacity needs to be made, and this can also change over time. Our policy is that the judgement needs to be made by a clinician in a face to face assessment. The risk for this age group is that if their parent / guardian manages the online account for a patient who has capacity, the child / young person may be reticent to access healthcare such as contraception if they thought their parent or guardian would see this online.

We have discussed this need as a Partnership team, and we have taken the decision that we cannot prioritise this requirement over provision of clinical care, so we are not offering this age group access to online services. Once the young person turns 16, consent can be presumed and the service re-enabled.

In order that we limit the disadvantage that this might cause to patients or their families of this age who are on repeat medication, we have agreed that they can have temporary (whilst they are aged 11-15) access to an email address to request repeat medication. If this affects you or your child, please speak to one of our reception team who will be happy to help you. Please note this email address can ONLY be used for requests for this age group.

If your 12-15 year old needs access to their Covid pass, you can access this by calling 119 at least 7 days in advance of needing it, or requesting a downloadable copy via (click here).

This is not something we are able to provide. There is more information here Using the NHS COVID Pass to demonstrate COVID-19 status – GOV.UK (

Note that under 12s should not need a Covid pass for international travel.


You can use the NHS App to check your symptoms and get instant advice, book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record and more.

What the NHS App does

  • get advice about coronavirus – get information about coronavirus and find out what to do if you think you have it.
  • order repeat prescriptions – see your available medicines, request a new repeat prescription and choose a pharmacy for your prescriptions to be sent to.
  • book appointments – search for, book and cancel appointments at your GP surgery, and see details of your upcoming and past appointments.
  • check your symptoms – search trusted NHS information and advice on hundreds of conditions and treatments, and get instant advice or medical help near you.
  • register your organ donation decision – choose to donate some or all of your organs and check your registered decision.
  • find out how the NHS uses your data – choose if data from your health records is shared for research and planning.
  • view parts of your GP record – including information about medication, allergies, vaccinations, previous illnesses and test results.
Quote / Testimonial:

If you’re a patient at our practice you can use the new NHS App, a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.

For more information go to

Get Started

Get the app

Non-urgent advice: Having Problems?

Download the NHS App

You can still contact the practice by phone or in person, this is just another option, which other patients have found is more convenient and saves them time. More information including “how to” leaflets and videos of patients and why they are using GP online services are available at


eConsult is an online portal where you can check your symptoms, receive medical advice or consult online with our GPs at Hedge End Medical Centre online.

Contact us online!

eConsult is available for anyone age 16+. For children aged between 6 months and 16 years of age, the consulter must be the legal parent or guardian. All children’s e-consultations will result in either a telephone call from a clinician or an invite to bring your child to the surgery for a face to face consultation.

How does it work?

You can search for information about your condition and will be provided with self-help and pharmacy advice.

You can submit an admin request, including fit note requests, test results and other paperwork. You will have a reply within 5 working days. 

Should you wish to get urgent advice from us, you will be given the opportunity to start an online consultation. Simply complete the online questionnaire and it will be sent securely to us at Hedge End Medical Centre. A  member of the clinical team will review your response and we will get back to you by the end of the next working day. If your need is routine (non-urgent), you will be asked to make a routine appointment. 

How does it help improve our efficiency?

If we have as much information up front about your condition, we can best manage your problem by utilising our staff most efficiently and in the quickest possible time. In some cases like sick notes or referrals, our administrative team can help out whereas for clinical queries either our nurse practitioners or GPs could help.

Even if your online consultation resulted in a telephone or face to face appointment, because the clinician has all the questions and answers submitted from your online consultation, the subsequent appointment will be much more efficient as we don’t have to ask all the questions again.

The system is on whilst we are open, plus it opens an hour earlier than we do (7am), so you can submit an online consultation at your leisure.