We are open up until 6.30pm on Friday the 22nd December, and reopen on Wednesday 27th December at 8.30am (8-8.30am for emergencies only).
We then close at 6.30pm on Friday 29th December, and reopen on Tuesday 2nd January at 8.30am (8-8.30am for emergencies only).
eConsult will be available whilst we are open, but is likely to close early on both Fridays to ensure we can assess need safely, and so more urgent need isn’t waiting over the bank holidays.
If you need a pharmacy here or elsewhere in the UK, you can use this service: https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/pharmacy/find-a-pharmacy
If you have an urgent medical need while we are closed, you can use https://111.nhs.uk/ or call 111.
Emergency departments are likely to be very busy over the holidays – please https://usetherightservice.com/
We wish all our patients and staff a happy and healthy Christmas!